Specifications are: ASTM A 240/A 240M, Doors are fabricated 100% with Type 304 Stainless Steel, Stainless Steel Hinges, back panel of the door and the door frame. Class B labeled: 1-1/2 hour fire rated with 30-minute temperature rise of 250 degrees Fahrenheit and a frame suitable for enclosing multiple type chase construction.
U.L. approved both in the United States and Canada.


All-City Metal has been in the waste management industry for many years.  We have been best known for our Metro Pak Series Models MC4500 and MC4000.  We offer both models utilizing the Stationary Bagging Horizontal Extruder method.  This system is fully automatic, electric eye control, hydraulically operated, stationary with one tubular ram.

For the contract industry we manufacture and install our equipment under the specification 118226.  We also comply with the ANSI Z245.30 standards in “Refuse Collection, Processing, and Disposal Equipment–Waste Containers–Safety Requirements.”


Chutes are constructed from Aluminum-coated cold-rolled commercial quality, steel sheet ASTM A463, Type 1 with T1-40 coating. Material to be U.S. No. 16 gauge (0.062-inch thick).  Chutes normally commence on the lowest floor and are installed through the entire building penetrating the roof full size (24″ diameter).  Termination point is normally 6’0″ above the highest roof.

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(888) 682-5757